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Registration for the DDS User Conference in Cleveland, Ohio is CLOSED! View Agenda | More Details!

Registration for the DDS User Conference in Cleveland, Ohio is OPEN! View Agenda | Register Now!

Registration for the DDS User Conference in Cleveland, Ohio is OPEN!
View Agenda | Register Now!

DISTRIBUTECH 2022 Conference Recap

Our team had the opportunity to travel to Dallas, TX for the DISTRIBUTECH International 2022 Conference! Every year, DISTRIBUTECH International serves as the leading transmission and distribution event that addresses the technologies used to move electricity from the power plant through the transmission and distribution systems to the meter and inside the home.

During the conference, we had the chance to speak with numerous companies about how GSI provides software and services to achieve engineered simplicity and better workflows.  At one panel session, we learned about the trend in the industry toward targeted condition-based maintenance using advanced analytics versus the traditional cycle approach.

It was also great to connect with many of our existing customers and partners who stopped by the booth to say hello and learn about what’s new with GSI.

The conference sessions gave us an opportunity to hear from utilities sharing their successes in many areas such as Resiliency Planning and Preparation, Data-Driven Digital Utilities and Asset Management.

After two years of attending virtual conferences, GSI was so excited to return to in-person events! It’s the perfect opportunity to expand our professional network while getting to spend some time away from the office. 

Moving forward, GeoSpatial Innovations is thrilled to attend future in-person conferences to continue developing professional relationships while simultaneously providing organizations with the solutions they need.

Are you interested in keeping up with us? Check out our list of upcoming events: https://gsiworks.com/about-us/events/


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