2016 was a busy year for our GSI AssetManager products. As with all our products – GSI Designer, GSI Scout, GSI Collector and GSI Forester we are constantly pushing out updates and adding new functionality to support our customers.

This past year we rounded out GSI Forester to include time reporting functionality. This enabled users to track contractor and equipment time spent on work in the field all within the same application. With this addition, Forester has truly become a standalone product. Additionally, quite a few user reported feature requests were implemented after the first year of use in production. An added benefit to hosting on the cloud makes these changes available to future customers as well.
Further development with our iOS applications was completed in 2016. GSI Scout, Designer and Collector are now available to download on phones and tablets just as the current Windows field client installation. This accessibility to our apps has proved to be greatly beneficial to users. Following this iOS development, GSI Designer was set up quickly and efficiently in a production environment and GSI Scout is currently in production with over 4,000 consistent users. These implementations showed pronounced confidence in our mobile applications.

GSI Collector on the cloud was also updated to support our ESRI and Smallworld Plugins. These plugins allow GIS data to directly import to a Collector document. Once the database is synchronized down to the field client, edits can be made and pushed back into the GIS for verification. Adding this functionality to our cloud solution has bridged the gap between functionality available on the cloud versus our on-premises solution.
We also explored the added benefits of hosting on Microsoft Azure with tools like Application Insights. App Insights allows GSI to support our customers more efficiently with up to date metrics on data collected. If any issues arise, we can monitor and take preemptive measures to limit these issues from reoccurring.
Overall, 2016 was a fantastic year for GSI. We’re looking forward to what 2017 has in store!