This September at Esri’s GeoConX, I had the chance to meet an extraordinary group of women working in GIS. The organization hosting the event was Women in GIS (WiGIS), an international, professional, and social organization as well as an advocacy group for women serving in a variety of geospatial fields.

About WiGIS:
WiGIS is a consortium of advocates from academia, government, and private industry designed to advance the presence of women and minorities in GIS. Activities of the organization include social gatherings, professional development and educational events, and opportunities for networking and mentoring. At a minimum, WiGIS’s goal is to meet quarterly and to engage in constant communication as needed and desired via forums such as the WiGIS website and an email listserv/newsletter. (
How to get involved with WiGIS:
- Add yourself to the Women in GIS story map
- Join the LinkedIn group: Women in GIS
- Join the listserve by filling out this handy little form
- Support Women in GIS get some cool stuff from our store on Cafepress
Learn more at the GSI User Conference in Tampa in November or by emailing [email protected]